Privacy policy

Bicester Vintage Tractor Club (BVTC) Privacy Policy.
What data does BVTC collect?
BVTC collect the following information, your name, your postal address, email address and contact
telephone number. No other information is required or requested by BVTC.
How does BVTC collect this data?
The data is only taken from the details provided on the BVTC membership form. No other sources are used.
Members opt in by giving their consent on the membership form.
Why does the BVTC need this data?
BVTC needs the data to contact members in order to communicate details of BVTC events, meetings and
in case of any emergency. The data will not be used for any other purpose.
How and where does BVTC keep the data secure?
All membership forms (Hard copies) are kept securely by the BVTC Secretary. The names and email
addresses supplied by members on those forms are also kept in the “contacts” section of the BVTC email
account, this is secured by password access. Only two members have the
password. Members can request to see their data held by contacting the BVTC Secretary.
Does BVTC share the data?
No, BVTC does not share data with any organisation in any format under any circumstances.
Web links and cookies.
The BVTC website does not use cookies. The BVTC website does contain links to other websites of
possible interest to our members, however by using these links you are leaving the BVTC website. BVTC has
no control, responsibility nor liability over the content, privacy, protection or security of those websites.
All emails sent to members from BVTC are sent by Bcc “Blind Carbon Copy”, thus the recipient can only see
their own name and that of the club.
Any member wishing to have their data removed or updated must inform the BVTC Secretary in writing,
data will then be removed or updated within 30 days. If membership ceases for any reason, data will be
removed after a maximum of 12 months.